We find more milk drinks (4%) than water bottles (3%), but this is likely a result of what we discuss here: water bottles are far more likely to lose their labels and therefore end up as unknown. Having a Tesco at one end of Malmesbury Road and a Morrison’s at the other explains some of the finds, but the most common littered items are Frijj (24%) and Yazoo (16%).
- Dairy Crest
- Frijj
- Galaxy
- Marks and Spencer’s British Strawberry Milkshake
- Maltesers
- Mars Milk
- Maximuscle High Protein Maxi-Milk
- Milk (generic)
- Morrison’s Fresh Milk (White Chocolate)
- Morrison’s Fresh Milk (Chocolate)
- Morrison’s Banana Milk Drink
- Mueller Semi-skimmed Milk
- Ovaltine
- Nourishment Original Strawberry Milk Drink
- Snickers
- Tesco Fresh Chocolate Milk Drink
- Tesco Strawberry Milk Drink
- Yazoo Milk Drink
- Yop