My day job is in Swindon, and today I used my office’s proximity to the city centre to do a bit of shopping at Lush in my bid to reduce my wasteline. Unfortunately I seemed to be one of the few trying to do so: this street that leads to the main shopping area was awash with litter and, although I wasn’t able to get all of it, I was certainly able to get (at least) eight pieces.
One thing you might notice about this collection is that half of it is recyclable: two cans and two plastic bottles. A deposit return scheme (DRS) on these items would help reduce litter in general or, at the very least, give me a bit of cash for my effort! This ratio is similar to what we find at Community Clean Ups, and I imagine that a DRS would help cut litter in half almost overnight.
Come along to our next Community Clean Up to help us keep Chippenham tidy and get way more than your One A Day in May. We’ll be meeting at Donkey Field from 10am until noon this Saturday, 12 May. Hope to see you there!