It’s been a busy week here at Rubbish Walks, with plans coming together for our next Community Clean Up, a presentation given at the Chippenham Town Meeting, and ideas flowing fast and furious for how we can move forward in tackling litter in Chippenham. Here’s a quick catch up of some of the things spotted or collected in the past week.

This no man’s land on Union Street in Chippenham is one we’ve had our eye on for a while, but unfortunately we cannot do anything about it. A fence on one side, a wall on the other, and a locked car park means rubbish is likely to keep piling up – a good example of how litter attracts litter.

This was spotted in the Emery Gate Car Park. Someone has decided to clean out their car, leaving the bag of rubbish behind – and taking up a parking space while they’re at it.

This half full bottle of Freeway Cola was found in the car park of St. Nicholas School. Does the fact I see it as half full mean I am an optimist, or just tired of food and drink waste?

Food bought at Morrison’s, eaten on the way home, discarded. Something is definitely wrong with this picture.

This glass is more than half full. And is still waste and litter.

Overflowing bin near John Coles Park. The plastic bottle is sad, but there are very few spots for recycling on the go in Chippenham (although that being said, John Coles Park is one place that does have separate bins!).

This is the result of an impromptu rubbish walk along the Chippenham riverfront. This was a very short walk and only got the tip of the iceberg – we didn’t have gloves or litter pickers to get everything. Despite this, we found 6 cans, 3 plastic bottles, and a pint glass, in addition to the other assorted rubbish. And that Subway cup? It appeared in the 20 minutes we were shopping.