Just one more week to go on #LitterWatch2017 and I am fairly confident that the remaining litter will not disappear between now and then. So stay tuned until next week when I’ll have a look through the changes the rubbish has undergone over the past year (and wonder where the time has gone … I swear I was just starting this experiment a few short months ago!).
In the meantime, please get your calendars out: the first Community Clean Up will be on
Saturday, 3rd March at Monkton Park from 10:00am until noon. This will
be part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean and it would be great to see you then. We are also working on
identifying dates for future clean ups; right now we have the following
pencilled in:
- 12th May: Donkey Field, 10am-noon
- 7th July: Sign up in the sidebar (or drop me a line) to get added to the mailing list to find out more about this unofficial clean up.
- 15th September: Monkton Park, 10am-noon
- 10th November: Donkey Field, 10am-noon
I will be confirming these as soon as possible; keep an eye on the blog or social media channels for more information.
Also on the blog in 2018, #LitterWatch2017 will be replaced by Litter Counts, which will give you a more in-depth view of what’s being found in Chippenham. I am also hoping to participate in Plastic Free July
this year and will be posting about my efforts to reduce single-use
plastics around the house. Please consider joining in or sharing your
suggestions on Facebook.