A Litter-picking Parody

Off the Ground’s Jon Paget is rather musically inclined and he put together a fun song that highlights some of trials and travails of litter picking: Keep the Trash Off Our Countryside, set to the tune of Simon and Garfunkel’s Keep the Customer Satisfied

Gee but it’s great to be back home,
After doing so much picking
We’ve been up and down the road and my word!
Rather than take trash home, people go on fly-tipping
It’s the same old story
Everywhere we go
We see Carling
Red Bull
And their supermarket buys by the bagful
And they’re one step away from the waste bin
Two steps away from recycling
We’re just trying to keep the trash off our countryside

A member of public said to me
Why do you go on Rubbish Walks, boy
Are you on a community payback scheme
Do you work for the council
Or do you do it voluntarily
It’s the same old story
Everywhere we go
We see Tango
And containers for McDonald’s and Costa’s
And they’re one step away from the waste bin
Two steps away from recycling
We’re just trying to keep the trash off our countryside

It even made it on the radio! Check it out on BBC Radio Wiltshire:

As an encore, Jon followed this up with a parody from Les Miserables; yes, we’re combining rubbish with showtunes! 


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