This has been a busy week for the Rubbish Walks part of Off the Ground. We now have our own litter picking equipment,
courtesy of Wiltshire Council! This is just in time for next Saturday’s clean up with a twist. If you would like to get involved on 30 July from 10:00am-noon, please get in touch at for details (and keep your fingers crossed that we continue to have
good weather!).
Something else we’re trying to get done this summer is mapping the bins in Chippenham so that we can see where there are gaps. If everyone pitched in, we would be able to do this much faster. So whether you’re out walking the dog, playing
Go, or just trying to get from A to B, please consider editing the map to identify bin locations.
- Red icons are for bins managed by Chippenham Town Council. All of these should be on the map, but the specific location needs to be identified in most cases. For example, there are 8 bins in John Coles Park, but we don’t have the exact locations at the moment.
- Blue bins are for those managed by Wiltshire Council, which should be any bin that’s not identified as belonging to Chippenham Town Council.
- Black bins are those owned by Wiltshire Council but emptied by Chippenham Town Council. There should not be any more these than already identified. We just need to make sure they’re in more or less the right location.
- Yellow dots are highlighting areas where bins would be useful.
Follow this link to access the map and use the “Add Marker” button (in red below) to drop a pin where the bin is (or should be), use the location for the title and add any details you think would be useful, and change the colour as appropriate. You can even add a photo of the bin if you so desire! Please drop me a line if you have any problems, and thank you for your help.