#LitterWatch2017: Week 32

What a week! Refill Chippenham has officially launched at The Garden and Cycology – you can pop by these places and refill your reusable water bottle with tap water for free. Many thanks to Good Energy for the support that has allowed us to license this fantastic programme from City to Sea and Refill.

In other news, my day was made seeing a litter picking group cleaning up along Malmesbury Road. While I hate the fact that litter picking is needed at all, it is great to see others taking care of Chippenham. If you want to run a clean up in your own patch, please get in touch so I can advertise for you. Like the clean up on Saturday, 19th August, from 10:00am-11:30am, starting on Bolts Croft. This will be run by Councillor Holly Bradfield and Councillor Teresa Hutton. Please get in touch with them if you have any questions.

And the rubbish? That’s one thing that hasn’t changed much this week. There’s a bit more mould on the McDonald’s cup, but otherwise it continues to gently weather and fade.

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