As the weather has gone from heat wave to typical summer variability this week, there have been a few changes to the litter board. First, the crisp packet has disappeared – blown off at some point and leaving behind just a sliver of packaging. Many apologies to neighbours for any inadvertent litter that has ended up in your garden!
The other change is to the orange balloon: the neck has finally torn through, leaving it in two pieces. Both balloons have exhibited changes to their texture, turning from soft rubber to feeling harder, more like plastic. I think this change makes them more brittle and susceptible to breaking into smaller pieces. What is more surprising, to me at least, is the lack of change to the carrier bag and the “biodegradable” balloon. At this rate, they’re going to be with me for many years to come!
REMINDER: The Off the Ground AGM will be taking place on Thursday, 20th July, at 6:00pm at Rivo Lounge. Join us to talk about plans for next year. And if you are not already on the mailing list, please sign up in the sidebar to learn about other events.