What if I said that people regularly pay for a product that is readily available free of charge? You would probably think they were the opposite of “smart” … but that’s what happens with bottled water on a regular basis. In 2017 we found 17 bottles of Smartwater, which is just a small percentage of the total 169 known water bottles found overall last year. This doesn’t take into account the 204 unknown plastic bottles that lost their labels–I imagine that a significant number of these were also water bottles.
It takes just a moment to plan ahead and carry a reusable water bottle, scout for Refill stations on the Refill app, and reduce the amount of plastic used (and increase the amount of money that stays in your pocket!). Now that sounds smart.
Next week keep an eye out for Tesco branded juice drinks. While the ACE litter (alchohol, carbonated beverages, and energy drinks) are the big contributors to the total amount of recycling found in Chippenham, “healthy” rubbish is also regularly chucked out—we have been known to find coconut water and sushi platters on occasion!