With generous support from Wiltshire Council, we were recently able to take delivery of a Superbin, which does double duty as a bin and storage container for litter-picking equipment.
It is located near the playground at Monkton Park, and it is available for people to use when they want: during lunch hours, when dog walking, or just enjoying park. If you have a few minutes and want to do your bit to help keep Chippenham tidy, please contact me to get the instructions for opening it.
We officially launched it today with the help of a fantastic group of enthusiastic Good Energy employees. They are planning to use it on a regular basis to clean up around Monkton Park and the Good Energy building. The general consensus was that it was an eye-opening experience: most couldn’t believe how much rubbish was out there (especially since we removed 28 bags of litter from the park just a few weeks ago!). Once you start seeing litter, it’s hard to stop! Many thanks to everyone who came out on a rather damp afternoon and got involved.