After the two-week saga of Woody Woods, today was a “normal”rubbish walk along a small section of Malmesbury Road – only 1.5 hours, 2 bagsof rubbish and 1 bag of recycling (24 cans, 10 glass bottles, and 21 plastic
bottles). This is a slight decrease from when we last cleaned this area on 1st February, which is encouraging.
However, the Knotty Man is still out and about – we found at least 8
Golden Wonder crisp packets along the path he is known to frequent, both
knotted and unknotted.
Wondering why I used normal in quotes up there? There is nothing “normal” about picking up litter. It simply shouldn’t be there in the first
place. There is never a reason for
anyone to litter – only excuses. Having
to clean up waste that should otherwise be put in a bin or put into recycling
wastes time, effort, and money – all of which could be used for something else. £1 billion pounds a year are spent trying to
keep Britain tidy – that is the equivalent of 38,644 social care workers, 4,400
libraries or 33,200 nurses. Shouldn’t we
try to make that the new normal?