The first of April dawned clear in Chippenham, with littering, fly-tipping, and dog-fouling ceasing overnight. There is nary a Coke can, crisp packet, or cigarette butt to be seen, and residents are enjoying the sight of their community free of rubbish now that everyone has grasped the mechanics of how to properly dispose of litter in a bin. All of the money spent cleaning up after litterers will be re-directed to the NHS, and organisers of a local anti-litter group report that they will now dedicate their free time to a proper hobby.
Is this too much of an exaggeration, even for April Fools’ Day? While it is true that this is far from the reality on the ground, I live in hope that it will one day come to pass!
Please come and help out this Saturday (6 April) as we participate in the Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean. We’ll be meeting at Monkton Park near the basketball courts from 10am until noon.