I have to admit that
being interviewed at the crack of dawn in a car park during the start of a gale was not on my bucket list, but that’s certainly what Beverly and I were up to this morning! You can check out the recording about 6 minutes into Ben Prater’s show on BBC Wiltshire, and don’t forget we still have a number of things going on for the Love Chippenham campaign:
- Community Clean Up: Saturday, 4 March, 10:00am-noon at Donkey Field. This is part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean.
- ChippenGo: Get out and about (after Storm Doris passes) for a chance to win £250 in vouchers to local shops. Even if you can’t find all the locations, go ahead and submit your answers!
- Residential Bin Scheme: Keep your eyes open for the labels that signify that residents are allowing passersby to use their bins.