“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

It was great to see that this Margaret Mead quote was truly alive and
well in Chippenham this week at the Community Area Board Awards. While we
didn’t win, it was inspiring to hear about other projects and to see how
dedicated groups and individuals can make a difference in their

Personally, I found it an honour just being on the shortlist.
After all, Rubbish Walks has existed for less than a year. We only put
on our first Community Clean Up in March. And yet we have managed to
build up a lovely group of volunteers in Chippenham and join forces
virtually with groups such as Rubbish Walks Woodbridge, Rubbish Walks Heybridge, and Rubbish Walks Witham.
I am incredibly proud of what we have all managed to accomplish in such
a short space of time. And I can’t wait to see what we do next.


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