Chippenham is a town of Coca-Cola drinkers.
I know this because I have the best husband in the world and he spent
Valentine’s night conducting a tally of all the recycling we found at
Saturday’s Community Clean Up in Monkton Park. Coke came out ahead with 40 items, compared to 14 for Pepsi.
Overall, 275 recyclable items were found, which breaks down into 148 cans, 90 plastic bottles, and 37 glass bottles. That means over 10% of recyclable litter we found is Coke branded. However, as usual the big three in terms of recyclables were ACE: alcohol (42%), carbonated beverages (33%) and energy drinks (19%), with the remainder being fruit, sports, water, and milk drinks, or quite simply unknown.
Why this concern for counts and brands? Knowing what is being littered and in what quantity is a step towards understanding the audience and crafting a message that can potentially reach them. What would be even better is if the brands involved would step forward and use their knowledge of marketing to their particular customers to lead in the battle against litter.